Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Democrat Repudiation

Limbaugh: 'Total repudiation' of Barack Obama, 'The Democratic Party was told to go take a hike', by Joe Kovacs, 11/9/16, WND

In the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning White House victory, radio host Rush Limbaugh wasted no time attacking President Obama and Democrat policies Tuesday, calling Trump’s win “a total repudiation” of Barack Obama’s presidency.

“It was a total repudiation of the Obama presidency and every aspect of it. It was a total repudiation of the Democrat Party by the people I always describe as those who make this country work,” Limbaugh said during his post-election analysis Wednesday. “It’s a full repudiation of Obamacare. It’s a full repudiation of Obama economics.”

“It is dead-straight simple what the American people voted yesterday. … They do not want to have to view their government as Santa Claus.”

“The Democratic Party was told to go take a hike. The agenda of Barack Obama was told to go take a hike.”

Addressing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Limbaugh said: “You lost because your ideas were rejected. … It’s not complicated here … This election was not affected by a bunch of white people who were trying to take their country back.”

“The Democratic Party agenda was creamed!” he continued. “Every way they choose to characterize their loss is going to be wrong until they admit that what they stand for was rejected. Their policies, their agenda was told to take a hike last night by all kinds of people. This was a coalition of all colors and stripes and backgrounds that came together last night to send this policy regime packing!”

Taking note of the large crowd at Mrs. Clinton’s concession speech in New York, Limbaugh noted, “By the way, that was the largest group she’s ever drawn in this campaign.”

Limbaugh also scorched the pollsters who were far off the mark as most predicted an easy victory for Clinton.

“Every pollster except two or three got this totally wrong because of their own closed mindedness, because of their own bigotry,” he said.

Limbaugh had nothing but praise for Trump, saying, “Donald Trump has just schooled everybody else on how you win.” “It was not necessary to go through these past eight years. Our party has not believed that Democrats can be beat and Donald Trump has shown how to do it.”

Looking ahead to the future, Limbaugh explained, “Now we have no excuses. … The Republican Party has been given the full reins of this country and this government. And there is a mandate behind it.”

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