Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Liberals are whining

Liberal politicians are eager to load up Bills like the Corporate Tax reduction with everything under the sun. Trump should have his advisors write this Bill as a “stand-alone” Bill, not allow amendments and ask for an up or down vote.  Corrupt politicians and their special interest groups will go nuts.

Special interest groups like illegal immigrants, refugees, clueless students, corporate monopolies, environmental extremists, UN lovers, committed Communists and Demo-bots will raise hell, but Trump needs to outmaneuver them.

Liberal special interest “talking heads” are suggesting that Trump needs to apologize to them for various things.  Trump shouldn’t do it. They want to attack Trump for not agreeing to continue their rotten, unsustainable policies.

The Democrats have left a mess.  Trump needs to let them know that he will repeal bad laws and executive orders and give his reasons for eliminating each one.  Their bad ideas like Obamacare and almost everything else they did over the past 8 years need to be removed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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