Saturday, November 19, 2016

Manchurian Electorate

The Demo-bots have been brainwashed by the Liberal propaganda that has been fed to vulnerable citizens since 1900. Liberal delusions now infect about half of the US electorate. If open borders had not been allowed over the past 60 years, this group would be about 30%, not 50%. The battle for restoring our original American world-view has been a pendulum swing from left to right and back to the left again.

Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama were liberal Democrats. Harry Truman and JF Kennedy were conservative Democrats. Richard Nixon and George W Bush were hybrids. George HW Bush was a liberal Republican. The conservative Presidents included Ronald Reagan and now Donald Trump.

The US Constitution was designed to support a free market economy, but after the Civil War, Federalists used the war to decree that the federal government was entitled to violate the Constitution at will. They did this when they voted to allow the federal government the right to seize land and declare National Parks in 1872. Liberals were influenced by Karl Marx and pushed to adopt socialist policies. Liberals infiltrated law schools and asserted that “case law” could change the Constitution without having to file Amendments.  The rest of us objected.

The propaganda battle is outlined in the American Communist Goals restated in 1963. I read the original published in 1920 when I was 10 years old.

My world-view has been influenced by the achievements of the industrial revolution and the applied technology that created the labor-saving devices we use today and created the most prosperous nation on the planet. I went to work in the 1960s in manufacturing to lead the Personnel/HR function in these companies. Part of my work for the past 50 years has been to maintain company policy to comply with the law. I was not a regulatory zealot. I found ways to comply without overdoing it. I was a hawk on keeping my companies from polluting and creating waste, so I was prone to insisting on air and water treatment, productivity tools and waste abatement. I was also a hawk on government corruption.

I grew up during the Cold War in a conservative family. They absolutely hated Franklin D. Roosevelt’s trashing of the Constitution. I read “Conscience of a Conservative” by Barry Goldwater in 1964 and never looked back.

When Obama joined the Democrat Presidential Primary in 2008, we read both of his books and concluded that he was the Manchurian Presidential Candidate.  His parents were Communists and it was clear that he had been sponsored and prepared to infiltrate government as a Communist operative.

The Communist Democrat leadership was excited when Obama won the Presidency in 2008. The Demo-bots were clueless. They had been programmed to adopt environmentalism and anti-discrimination as their new religion. They have been conditioned through political correctness to react to questions in robotic ways. If you ask them about our debt or our economy, they will tell you that we need more immigrants. If you ask them if they know about the sloppy job on global warming, they will tell you that they are worried about climate change. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a doorknob. Their only weapon is to call you a racist. They like to change the meaning of words. Gay used to mean happy. Now racist means conservative. The only way I can think of to get through to the programmed Demo-bots is to tell them clearly that I believe they have been brainwashed by years of propaganda.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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