Friday, November 18, 2016

Marriage Decline

Our decline in morality is often cited as the cause for the decline in marriages in the US, but our moral decline has been going on for centuries. There are times like the Victorian era and the 1950s when our immorality was hidden, but there is too much evidence in history to assume that our immorality is something new. There is ample evidence that our current government policies have led to a low point in our moral barometer.

There are financial reasons for our marriage decline. Young couples in lust have never been good at saving sex for marriage. They don’t think about the consequences of having children. Many couples want to avoid legal expenses. They don’t know if their relationship will last. Abortion has been a flawed fix, because it has its own consequences. Raising kids as a single mom has its advantages over killing your baby.

There are young people who do understand that early sexual activities are loaded with consequences and they do refrain from this. We gave Engaged Encounter Weekends for decades and met thousands of couple who were doing this.

I expect marriage rates to recover as the economy recovers.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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