Sunday, November 13, 2016

Obama’s Overreach

The Manchurian President was hired by George Soros to implement UN Agenda 21, so Obama proceeded to use Alinsky’s blitzkrieg tactics to devastate the US economy.

For decades, US politicians ignored citizens’ call to close the border and drill for oil and gas and stop excessive immigration and they all ignored it. The media and the politicians were told to hide the existence of UN Agenda 21.

The off-shoring of manufacturing jobs in 1993 guaranteed that rural areas would be abandoned, so that the “Wilding Project” could be implemented. In 1999, the EU was formed as the prototype for global governance in Europe.

Obama’s passage of Obamacare was a travesty. It was clear overreach that drove this disaster.  The fact that the Democrats didn’t allow a budget to be established gave us a hint about how bad this law would be.  The website was a mess, the coverage was overreaching and the entire program was designed to fail, so that the Democrats could implement socialized medicine.

Green jobs never came. The “green” movement based on the global warming hoax was based on the myth that carbon dioxide was a pollutant rather than a plant food.

The American Planning Association imposed unnecessary bike lanes, multi-use paths, green space, stream buffers, over-designed intersections and other useless requirements. ICLEI consultants installed these land-use and zoning plans in every city, county and state. 

$Trillions were spent on unnecessary, unsustainably expensive passenger trains, removing hydro-electric plants and closing coal-fired plants that had delivered 80% of our electric energy.

Regional Commissions were created in every state.  They delivered bad transportation project that wouldn’t solve our traffic problems.  They conducted “rigged voter input” using the Delphi Technique designed to control the outcome.

Obama grabbed more land for the Wilding Project and corridors appeared on planning maps. Less federal land was used for grazing and energy exploration. Dangerous animals were moved closer to suburbs.

The EPA got busy suing property owners for having wetlands and imposing heavy fines, forcing them to endure crushing legal expenses.

The BLM sued and harassed ranchers and farmers until they either gave up or were murdered by government agency police.

The FDA outlawed the fetal pig, bankrupted pig farmers and drove them from their land.

The Interior Department closed fishing businesses to turn their property into a Park.

California shut off the water to farms in order to send the water into the Pacific Ocean for the snail darter and delta smelt.

The war on Christianity took on a more direct and nastier turn as Nuns were sued, Pastors were threatened, Bibles were removed, Chaplains were dismissed and Islam became a required course in public schools. Mosques appeared everywhere.

To ensure citizen intimidation, UN Agenda 21 required that the global population be reduced from 8 billion to 500 million, to be housed in transit villages in megacities.  FEMA camps were built.

Obama presided over the “Arab Spring” to destabilize the Middle East to prepare it for UN Agenda 21.

The final blow was Obama’s imposition of the Muslim Refugee invasion in 2015.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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