Saturday, November 12, 2016

Our Peaceful Transition of Power

The Soros-funded riots are underway

Democrats are in a panic over the prospect of becoming irrelevant. This has resulted in the odd coupling of paid rioters, wimpy students and “entitled” Demo-bots roaming the streets and highways of Liberal cities. The rioters destroy property.  They are paid and bussed in by MoveOn and Black Lives Matter, Soros and government funded non-profits.

The Left has been rioting forever, but Democrats have protected them from prosecution. The riots this year have prompted many to suggest that prosecution for those who are caught rioting should be initiated.

City ordinances are needed to take protests off the street and put them in the parks, so they don’t obstruct traffic and commerce.  We need to get them away from plate glass windows, automobiles and anything they can break or burn.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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