Thursday, November 10, 2016

Russia celebrates Trump Victory

Watch: Russian Parliament Breaks into Applause after Hearing Trump Wins, by Leah Barkoukis, 11/9/16

The Russian parliament reportedly broke into applause upon hearing the news that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also congratulated Donald Trump on becoming the next president of the United States and said he hoped to work with his administration. "In his message, [Vladimir] Putin expressed a hope for joint efforts in directing Russo-American relations from a state of crisis, solving daily questions of international importance, and finding answers to questions of global security," a Kremlin statement reads.

"President of Russia also expressed certainty that constructive dialogue between Russia and Washington that is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect, and real consideration of each other's interest, is in the true interest of our people and the world community as a whole." 

Throughout his campaign Donald Trump said it would be nice if the U.S. could work with Russia on issues like defeating ISIS. Putin in return was complimentary of Trump’s positive remarks regarding bilateral relations.


Trump respects national sovereignty and the right for voters to decide what nation they want to join. Trump supported the vote where 97% of Crimea voters voted to be annexed by Russia.  Trump sides with Russia and China on his rejection of UN Agenda 21 and the global warming hoax.  Russia is again a Christian nation like the US and is essentially a European country and is part of Western civilization. Trump may be able to help Russia develop its private economy to enable it to move from an oil-and gas-dependent economy to a more balanced economy.

The US will be an oil and gas competitor, but this market operates on price.  Russia’s trading partners include Muslim countries, but Russia is quick to suppress Muslim terrorism. There is reason to be optimistic about US-Russian relations.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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