Friday, November 18, 2016

Signs of Recovery

We will know when our economy begins to recover when we see college grads are able to find professional jobs, when Black teenage unemployment goes down, when we see much lower immigration numbers and when household incomes recover their $6000 a year loss.

We applaud Trumps plans to retain and return manufacturing in the US. We will look for news announcing that manufacturing plants are staying and coming back.

We will be looking for changes in the workforce. Since the 1960s we noticed Blacks streaming into government jobs. Blacks went to work for the US Postal Service and streamed into other government jobs wherever they had a large population, like large cities, Blacks took public transit jobs and became police officers. Blacks streamed into healthcare in hospitals and doctor’s offices. Mexicans replacing Blacks as hotel maids and janitors. Mexicans replaced Whites and Blacks as construction workers.  Mexicans replaced teenagers as landscapers. Immigrants and mentally handicapped replaced teenagers in grocery stores. Blacks went to work at Costco. We saw immigrant students replacing teenagers as life guards and hospitality workers. We’ve seen utility workers replaced by foreign temps. We saw “Hospitality” appear on junior college catalogs and more immigrants in engineering schools. Black teenage unemployment is excessive; there are no new jobs for them.

We know that the better paying jobs include teacher, police officer, postal worker, utility company worker and public transit worker. We know that the minimum wage jobs are fast food and retail jobs. We also know that these government jobs are overpaid and over-pensioned and will need to be reduced.

Government attempts to hide our rise in unemployment didn’t fool us. We never believed their unemployment rate numbers and focused on our “Participation Rate” as a more accurate indicator.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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