Saturday, November 5, 2016

To Congress

End bank bailouts and limit derivative hedge fund bets.  Reinstate Glass Steagall and put the global banks in their own category. Get the government out of the lending business. Bar the Fed from any more money printing.

Don’t pass any more Omnibus Bills or Continuing Resolutions.  Take each Bill one at a time. Write the Bills and write the regulations.  Read the Bills and read all the regulations.  Then vote on the Bills and regulations in Committee.  Then vote on the Bills and regulations on the floor.

Read the US Constitution (as written). List all unconstitutional federal departments, agencies and programs not included in the “enumerated powers”. Imagine the States handling everything else according to the 10th Amendment. Write Amendments to authorize the additional functions of the federal government and send them to the States for ratification.

Pass a balanced budget Amendment requiring the federal government to keep its spending within the limits of its revenue.  Grow the US economy and pay off the national debt.

Don’t bother with fundraising. Pass a Campaign Finance Bill that restricts making campaign contributions to voters only.  And only for those candidates who appear on their ballot. All you will need is a complete website and a good voting record.   Pass a term limits Bill.

Pass a Bill that gives all federal land back to the States. Get ready to reduce and close federal agencies. Get ready to give healthcare and education back to the States and the private sector. Freeze federal hiring.

Reduce the US corporate tax to 15%. Reduce Individual Income Taxes.  Simplify the tax return.

Immigration –, end refugee resettlement and build the wall, end sanctuary cities, anchor babies, lottery and chain migration.  Tighten H1b and make H2a work.

End EPA carbon capture regulations
End HUD anti-discrimination adverse impact rules
End UN Refugee Resettlement
End all federal grants and subsidies.
End most foreign aid.
End UN Agenda 21 implementation
Quit the UN
Stop trade through the EU
End the TPP
Renegotiate NAFTA and WTO
Ban Sharia Law

Encourage States to improve their flood abatement and increase their water reservoirs to hedge against drought and minimize fresh water outflow to the oceans.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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