Thursday, November 3, 2016

Voter Apathy

One of the major goals for governments world-wide is voter apathy.  Those in power in government want to do whatever benefits them and their benefactors and will attempt to stifle or crush any and all opposition from voters or challengers.  They spend a lot of your tax dollars to achieve this. You are funding your own demise.

The Magna Carta, signed under duress by King John of England in 1215 AD was the foundation of citizens’ rights today.  The Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights were based on the Magna Carta, but the American colonists declared that life, liberty and property were inalienable rights granted by God and assigned the US government with the sole task of protecting those rights.

Adherence to the US Constitution was required to prevent government from reverting back to feudal control of the population and the US federal government began to violate the US Constitution in1860 and never stopped violating it.

Once the federal government declared the first national park in 1872, adherence to the Constitution was over. This should have been forced to pass as an Amendment and have it ratified by the States, but they didn’t bother.  Using environmentalism to usurp the rule of law became a viable weapon in the hands of the Federalists we now call Statists.

We now have a NAZI government similar to Adolph Hitler’s 3rd Reich, except we have been pretending to have a 2 party system.  We still have a 2 party system on paper, but we stopped following it over 100 years ago. 

Voters’ rights are all but gone, except for formally voting for elected officials who pretend to be on one side or the other, but who vote like a one party system.

Voter distraction is one of the tactics used by government to operate this masquerade.  Candidate positions on issues are obfuscated with trashing opponents rather than debating issues based on facts.  Another distraction is to make things much more complicated than they are and to do that on purpose.  Another is to set up legislative rules that allow bad law to ride on the coattails of budget passage. 

This destruction of our liberty is gradual and incremental and sneaky. I trace it all back to the American Communist Party Goals restated in 1963.

The end result the government wants is compliant, docile, worn-out voters who are too tired or too intimidated to fight.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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