Saturday, December 3, 2016

Pay to Play Government

Part of draining the swamp is to dismantle the systemic corruption in Washington DC. The bribes paid and threats made to pass Obamacare were stunning.  Before Republicans took the Senate in 2014, Harry Reed wouldn’t pass a budget; that gave Obama an extra #trillion a year to squander.  The TPP fast track vote had very few decenters. Key members of Congress received million dollar campaign contributions for their “yes” votes.

The House and Senate rules are rigged to allow rotten laws to pass as amendments to Omnibus Spending Bills and Continuing Resolutions. Obama, the House and the Senate are fully to blame for the extra $10 trillion added to the National Debt.

DC politicians have always said that reforms require a crisis, so they set up a crisis and when it hits they rush to pass other laws that will set up future crises without repealing the laws that caused the last crisis. They didn’t repeal the Community Investment Act or HUD rules that caused the 2008 Meltdown, but they passed Dodd-Frank that destroyed community banks.  They passed NAFTA, but didn’t slow down the deluge of immigrants flooding into the country.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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