Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Good vs. Evil

We have a great political divide in the US and elsewhere and throughout the world.  Each side of this political divide claims that they are really the “good” side.  The “evil side” is the one that causes the most trouble and makes the least sense and its followers are deceiving themselves. 

There are multiple layers in this divide that found allies with other layers. The first layer is Islam, where their evil side is supporting global tyranny. The second layer is Statists, who seek to replace religion with government, also supporting global tyranny. These evil sides claims moral superiority. Both layers seek global domination and the eradication of personal freedom.

Deception is at work in the minds of the supporters of the “evil sides” They have been brainwashed by their leaders and punished for non-compliance.  They are like “cult victims” who need to be rehabilitated.  Europeans were radicalized to support socialism and globalism. They had been decimated by world wars and felt abandoned by God. After 1945, Europeans drifted away from religion and embraced secular humanism

The “evil side” if the Statists includes globalists, socialists, internationalists, communists, liberals and progressives. The Democrat Party became the vehicle to impose socialism and promote internationalism in the US. If you watch Nikki Haley’s confirmation hearing by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, you will see how the Statists operate.

The UN is the headquarters of the “evil side” promoting the goals of both Islam and the Statists. After the dissolution of the Communist Party in Russia in 1990, the Communists turned to the UN and infiltrated it.  They formed an alliance with Islam and the UN morphed its activities to support both groups. In 1992 the UN published UN Agenda 21 based on the global warming hoax.

In 2014, the “global economy” stalled and the immediate reaction of all nations was to pull back to concentrate on their national economies. Agenda 21 implementation in Europe created the EU and its “Refugee Resettlement” program was the last straw.  The Brexit vote came in 2016 and so did Trump.

Trump’s election promises to bring jobs and prosperity back to the US. Trump has invited God back to the US and is attempting to restore the US economy. If he does this, he will have a chance to “fundamentally transform” the US government to support the private sector. He might also get the US to abandon its abortion mentality.

The “good side” in this battle supports freedom and prosperity. It requires that we accurately place responsibility where it belongs. The US is not responsible for funding failed nations; this is the responsibility of those who are leading these failed nations.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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