Friday, August 3, 2018

American Values

American Values are different from Liberal values. American values are based on self-reliance and compliance with the US Constitution (as written) and were intended to support capitalism in a free market economy where prices are controlled by supply and demand.

Liberal values are based on socialism and unconstitutional government overreach and are based on Marxism and a government managed economy. Socialism breeds corruption because it ignores individual property rights and the freedom to keep what you earn. Socialism always ends in poverty and sovereign bankruptcy.

Trump is attempting to restore the US Constitution (as written) and restore capitalism and the free market economy by returning manufacturing to the US, reducing taxes and reducing regulations. Trump also needs to build the wall to control the US southern border and hunt down and destroy the drug cartels and Islamic terrorists.  Trump needs to drain the swamp and destroy the deep state and reduce the federal footprint. Trump needs to cut harmful federal spending, expand the US economy and pay off the National Debt.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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