Monday, August 6, 2018

City Planning Overreach

In the Bayou of Alabama there is a beautiful, small, quaint village called Bayou La Batre. Boat building is the major industry of the community...

Boat building is the major industry of the community. Shrimp boats. Sailing boats. There are ten to fifteen ship yards. These supply the jobs, the economy, and the tax base.

This little community is the seafood capital of Alabama and every year the community sponsors the “Blessing of the Fleet.” For over two hundred years, the folks of Bayou La Batre have lived quiet, happy, productive lives.

But we live in a time of massive upheaval in this nation. There are dangerous forces operating in every community, in every state legislature, in our federal government and on the international level.

Those driving the upheaval are private, independent non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They include planning groups, land trusts, environmental organizations, and the like. These forces have their own agenda – their own vision of how the rest of us should live – whether we want to or not.

Of course, they usually enforce these ideas based on the scare tactic of environmental protection. It’s emotional and most people are afraid to oppose such plans.

To get their way, they partner with the power of government to create rules and regulations to force their agenda on us – usually funded by federal grants that are actually our own tax dollars.

Private property rights, free enterprise and individual choice have no place in this powerful reorganization of our nation. Control of the land and dictating how people are to live on it is the goal.

Well, last year these forces targeted little Bayou La Batre. A typically easy target because it has few resources to defend itself against the rich and powerful NGOs.

This time their scheme called for transforming the town to “Eco-tourism.” What is Eco tourism you ask? It means land locked away from development. It means that every fly, snail darter and mosquito has more rights than the people who own and live on the property.

The NGOs prepared an entire “visioning” plan outlining the town’s future, that would mean lots of rules and regulations that were never there before. In other words, Bayou La Batre was about to be locked into a time warp, restricting growth, destruction of property rights and denial of freedom of choice for the residents.

To keep the residents calm the new plan called for “grandfathering in” the existing ship building companies. However, the small print told the truth. If a ship builder’s property happened to be severely damaged or destroyed by a hurricane, flood, or fire – they were forbidden to rebuild. Instead the property would be taken over and used for the Eco-tourism plan – perhaps becoming a bistro for the tourists.

But this time the NGO plan met opposition. There were people in the town who knew the game being played against the residents. THIS WAS AGENDA 21 IN ACTION!

How did they know? One reason was because some of the local folks had been to one of my speeches in Mobile a couple of years ago. There they learned first-hand what Agenda 21 was all about.

They contacted me for ideas on how to fight back. We had long talks on the phone. Then, using American Policy Center (APC) information, they went to work. After some initial opposition from local government officials, including the mayor, the activists were able to convince them that the new plan was going to be the death of their wonderful town.

Even though the NGO’s came armed with powerful government connections, detailed plans, and the grant money, the local city council and the mayor rejected the plan in a unanimous 7 – 0 NO vote!

I wanted to tell you this story because as I travel the nation teaching people about the threat of Agenda 21 too many of them believe it can’t be stopped. They fear that the NGOs and planners are just too powerful.

I want you to know that is not true! It can be stopped. You can save your town and your property rights. This is what the American Policy Center is all about. This is what I do! I travel and speak. I write. I teach. I alert.

APC has produced some of the most effective tools to help local activists learn the truth about Agenda 21 and take action to stop it.

The UN and its NGO shock troops thought you and I would do nothing as they destroyed our culture and system of government. We are proving them wrong! We stopped them in tiny Bayou La Bartre. APC can do it in your town.

Yours in Freedom, Tom DeWeese, President APC


The genesis of this problem was the “Regionalism” structures that were imposed by State Legislatures and the Agenda 21 policies that were adopted by cities and counties. These continue today, because the mindset of those we elect to office hasn’t changed and the newly elected have to go along to get along or be ostracized. Their singular goal is to increase property values in order to increase property taxes. The Deep State in municipalities is kept together by State-Wide Municipal Associations, corrupt State Legislatures, Municipal Consultants and local voting-block groups.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader  

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