Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sessions Lives

Jeff Sessions has been the “absentee” Attorney General, who has not entirely been in charge of his own discredited department.  Being a lawyer, he got himself raveled up in his own underwear.  He is waiting for his worse mistake to pass; that is recusing himself and allowing the appointment of a “Special Counsel”. If this scam ends, he should be able to drain his own swamp and accelerate the banishment of criminal aliens.  Sessions served in a dysfunctional Senate and inherited an even more dysfunctional DOJ.

AG Sessions blames courts for allowing cop shooter to avoid
earlier deportation, by Ann Corcoran, 8/13/18.

Jeff Sessions Slams Court Decisions That Kept Accused Police-Shooting Refugee in U.S. - Attorney General Jeff Sessions drew attention to a series of federal court decisions holding laws using the blanket federal definition of “violent crime” to be “unconstitutionally vague” in a pair of talks about violent crime this past week. The issue came to a head this week when it became clear an Iraqi refugee accused of trying to kill a Colorado Springs policeman had been slated to be deported in 2016 for his previous convictions, only to be saved by the courts.

For new readers: the much maligned Stephen Miller previously worked as an aide to then Senator Jeff Sessions. See my previous post from this morning.

“Right now we are missing one of the most important law enforcement tools we had because of a 2015 Supreme Court decision holding that the legal definition of ‘violent felony’ was too vague,” Sessions said in his prepared remarks. “The Supreme Court struck down part of a law called the Armed Career Criminal Act. It had been on the books for 30 years and applied thousands of times. … The Court ruled that the definition of ‘violent felony’ was too vague.”

Karrar Noaman Al Khammasi, 31, is charged with putting Colorado Springs Police Department officer Cem Duzel in the hospital in critical condition when he allegedly shot it out with law enforcement who responded to calls of shots fired last month. A Monday report in the Washington Times quoted a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official confirming that Al Khammasi was allowed to stay in the country despite his criminal record because of one of these rulings.

Since arriving in 2012, Khammasi has, according to the Washington Times, been in trouble with the law no fewer than nine times, including “drunken driving, trespassing, assault, extortion and illegally possessing a firearm.”

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains is, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette, the organization responsible for bringing Khammasi and his fellow Middle Eastern refugees to Colorado’s El Paso County. They refused to comment on the case, telling the Gazette that “it does not comment on involvement with clients. “Clients!” “Clients!” Yes, they refer to the refugees as clients! More here.

This is an update of the story from Colorado Springs—a story getting almost no media attention—where an Iraqi refugee is charged with critically wounding a local police officer.

AG Sessions:  Al Khammasi should not have been in the country! On Saturday, Officer Cem Duzel remained in critical condition.

Breitbart is reporting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions used the near fatal shooting of Duzel as something that would not have happened if earlier courts had not blocked the Iraqi refugee’s deportation in the wake of other crimes he had previously committed.

But that isn’t the important bit of news I want to focus on…..
Buried in the Breitbart story here, is perhaps the first time in ten years that I have seen any reporter make a direct connection between a refugee’s violent crime and the resettlement agency responsible for his placement in the state—Lutheran Family Services is specifically mentioned in news reports. That is a breakthrough!!!!

Sessions says it is up to Congress to clarify the law. And the next point that should be made about this case by the Attorney General or the White House is about vetting.  We were beaten over the heads by the media and the refugee contractors throughout the Obama Administration about the “robust” vetting refugees undergo before coming to the US. Well! So much for the big lie!  “Robust” vetting surely should have screened out this creep!

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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