Friday, October 25, 2019

US Company Problems

Hype has replaced good judgment and common sense. Tariffs and tax cuts are in place to restore the US economy with manufacturing jobs and companies are ignoring it.

Our largest companies are not in basic industries and their products are unnecessary, annoying, harmful and redundant. Students spend more time on social media and less time learning to read, write, do math and learn life skills. Facebook has replaced the family picture album.

Google, Facebook, Internet providers and TV channels sell ads. Apple sells smartphones, Advertising clogs the phone lines.  Amazon is a mail-order business. TV programming is abysmal and full of propaganda and ads.

Software is vulnerable to hacking, seizure and ransom. Cyber security wonks are calling for a total redesign of our electronic systems. You would think more “Tech” companies would be focused on this.

US companies have invested heavily in new, unstable technologies that are in low demand and have higher costs than current alternatives.  Electric cars, driverless vehicles, robots and solar power costs too much.  Artificial intelligence is just automated software and Boeing is in trouble for AI induced airline crashes.

The US automobile industry is ignoring the price problem and need to develop cheaper, basic cars with fewer bells and whistles for lower income consumers.

Pharmaceutical and chemical companies are besieged by law suits claiming that their products “might” increase cancer risks. This is occurring as pharma companies should be reducing prices.

Apple is planning to compete with media companies to provide cable services. TV content is abysmal and Apple has nothing better to do with its money.   

US companies have spent billions to expand overseas and are now experiencing a global economic slowdown in these countries. Many US companies have had half their revenue coming from foreign countries.

Foreign companies are adding manufacturing operations in the US to avoid Tariffs and solidify their position with US consumers.

US companies show little interest in restoring US manufacturing to again provide US consumers with US made appliances and other staple US consumer products.

US electronics companies need to pull back from off-shore manufacturing to begin to protect their intellectual property.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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