Saturday, September 30, 2023

US Education Crisis

College costs for tuition and fees have risen    

Year $Private $Public

1960  1011     243

1980  3617     804

2000  15470   3501

2020  32000   9349 

The cost of Medical School is $57574 per year for a total of $218792 for 4 years.

The cost of Dental School is $41927 per year


My grandfather was born in 1886 and grew up on the family farm near St. Louis Mo. He was homeschooled. He took a factory job at age 11 to raise enough to pay a science tutor. At age 16 in 1897 he passed the entrance exam and entered Barnes Medical College. He graduated at the top of his class in 1900 and was appointed Professor of Internal Medicine. He entered his surgical residency ahd taught internal medicine. He opened his medical practice in 1905. He practiced medicine for 57 years until his death at age 76 in 1962. His generation worked to end water-born diseases, improve surgical outcomes, invent medical devices and advance medical science with antibiotics. Life expectancy in 1900 was age 47 and in 1962 was age 70.

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 and grew up on the family farm in Indiana. He was homeschooled. He was a manic reader. He moved to Illinois, ran a general store and servied as an Army Captain in 1832 to defend Illinois from Black Haws Indians. In 1834, Lincoln borrowed law books, passed the Bar Exam and began practicing Law. He was elected to the Illinois State Legislature at age 25. He joined the Republican Party and served a term in the US Congress from 1847-1849. He debated Stephen Douglas over slavery in 1856. He was elected President in 1860 and at age 51 and won the Civil War in 1965, was assassinated and died at age 56..,the%20edge%20of%20the%20frontier.

Both of these two were homeschooled and “self-taught”. Neither of these two had student loans to repay.

After 1900, the “education industry” was established. In 2000, the education industry has emerged as unaffordable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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