Saturday, September 30, 2023

US Education Testing History

In the 1800s, US colleges used their own entrance exams.

In 1899 US colleges established certification for entrance exams and other colleges followed. 

In 1904, the IQ Test was developed by Alfred Benet.

In 1917 the US Army had developed Aptitude Tests for recruits to determine their assignments.

In 1919 Katherine Briggs began research on Personality Theory. In 1921 Carl Jung published Psychological Types..  In 1975 the Myers-Briggs Personality Test was published to measure Extrovert Intuiting Thinking Judging vs Introvert, Sensing Intuiting Feeling Perceiving.

In 1928, the US taught basics in grades 1-8. The basics were applied to allow students to function as adults who could do their own taxes, read their own contracts and understand basic laws.  Prep Schools for grades 9-12 prepared students for college. Colleges produced engineers, chemists, scientist, doctors, lawyers accountants, pharmacologists and industrial managers.

In 1937 the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory began its development and was introduced in 1940. By the 1950s it became widely used to measure personality and mental health issues and revised in 1989.

In 1938 the DISC Personality Styles test was developed to measure Dominance Influence Support and Compliance.

In 1952 the SAT began as an entrance exam for colleges

In the 1960s, Personality Theory included Inner-Directed vs Other-Directed behaviors.

In 1967 US students ranked 11th of 12 countries in Math.

In 1970 the ACT was introduced as another entrance exam for colleges.

In 2021 US colleges stopped requiring SAT and ACT tests.

In 1935 the Iowa Test bagan to measure reding comprehension, spelling and math performance for grades 6,7 and 8. Many students with average grades scored higher than students with high grades.,The%20tests%20were%20very%20successful.

Grade inflation began in the 1960s and continues today.,decade%20on%20a%204.0%20scale.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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