Saturday, June 29, 2024

Trump Wins Debate 6-29-24

The initial reaction to the Presidential debate between Trump and Biden is that Trump won. This is consistent with the polling numbers that favor Trump to anticipate that Trump will be the likely winner in November. 

Democrats have cooked their own goose. Their support for the Climate Change Hoax prompted them to increase spending by $2 trillion in 2022 for wind, solar and EVs. Wind and solar show signs of failure to maintain the electric grid and nobody wants EVs, because they are too expensive and unreliable. They followed Soros and opened the borders to allow 12 million additional illegal migrants into the US without vetting. Soros also funded 75 bad Democrat District Attorney candidates in Democrat Cities, who refused to prosecute violent criminals. Crime rose and has been traced back to these released criminals and unvetted illegal migrants. Citizens in “sanctuary cities” have had enough and want the illegals removed and deported. Soros District Attorneys. Biden mishandled the Afghanistan withdrawal, abandoned our citizens, allies, air bases and equipment and showed weakness. After that Biden used “appeasement” as his strategy to control Russia, China and Iran, ensuring their advances against Ukraine and Israel.  Money laundering Evidence is mounting that shows that Biden began operated an influence peddling scheme as Vice President from 2009 to 2016 to ensure appeasement.   

Biden’s claim that Trump poses a threat to “democracy” falls flat. Democrats define “democracy” as the continued democrat control of the government.  Biden’s open borders scam is designed to ensure that illegal migrants will become “democrat voters”.

If Republicans can win despite Democrats’ long-held ability to stuff ballot boxes, we may have a chance to restore the US economy, end the wars and drain the swamp.

Future polls are worth watching, especially in swing-state cities.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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