Sunday, February 23, 2025

This Blog 2-24-25

I am currently writing about the Trump Agenda and its progress on all fronts and will continue to follow it. I expect to see Tax Decreases and Increased Oil and Natural Gas Production to increase supply and lower prices. I expect to see lower federal government spending will lower federal interest costs below $1 trillion/yr. I expect to see Federal Agencies upgrade their computer systems and data bases to increase accuracy and productivity. I expect to see the Illegal migrants returned to their countries. I expect to see an increase in the US Worker Participation Rate as hiring is focused on US Citizens. We should see signs of this progress by July 2025. 

I covered the COVID-19 Pandemic from 2019 to 2023 to capture daily cases, deaths and %deaths because the data from the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic was insufficient. I covered the GDP and Economic Data for all countries in 2024 to track failures and successes.

I cover history, economics, government and personal development. My goal is to make dead brain tissue live again.

I believe that we are responsible for ourselves and we each have unique skills and interests we need to identify and pursue. Our DNA is unique to each of us and gives us clues to God’s Plan for us. We are each responsible for identifying our motivated abilities, so we can pursue the work that we are good at and love doing.

I use historical economic data to identify the causes of economic changes to show the duration of achievements and declines.

I use Timelines to track technological advances, I list critical data by year to track Nominal GDP, Per Capita GDP, Population, Trade Balances, Inflation and Household Income by country.

I understand that it is difficult to get a clear picture of what goes on. TV News covers accidents, crime, events, their opinions in real time and lots of TV Ads. 

It takes a long view to identify trends. In the 1960s I subscribed to US News and World Report to get a monthly summary of events.

I also use my own experience as a “time capsule” to share my life experience and career as a witness to Lived History. My goal is to motivate the readers of this Blog to focus on their own unique abilities to develop their own list of motivated abilities and direct their careers to do what they love to allow them to be happy and successful.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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