Thursday, December 18, 2014

Federal Water Seizure

A vast land grab to ‘protect’ water Posted on December 17, 2014 Written by William Perry Pendley, ANALYSIS/OPINION

In Novem­ber, com­ments closed on a pro­posal by the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers to rede­fine “waters of the United States,” as set forth in the Clean Water Act of 1977. While Sen. Edmund Muskie, Maine Demo­c­rat, author of the 1977 law, required 88 pages for his entire statute, this spring’s Fed­eral Reg­is­ter notice ran 370 pages, not count­ing appen­dixes, one of which hit 300 pages alone. Lit­tle won­der the new “wet­land” rules have gen­er­ated con­tro­versy and a likely Supreme Court case.

Over the years, the EPA and the Corps of Engi­neers read “waters of the United States,” and hence their author­ity to reg­u­late pri­vate prop­erty, both broadly and ambigu­ously. Unfor­tu­nately for landown­ers in their crosshairs, their inter­pre­ta­tion is rem­i­nis­cent of Jus­tice Pot­ter Stewart’s views regard­ing hard-core pornog­ra­phy, “I know it when I see it.” Worse yet, such a sight­ing is fol­lowed by a cease-and-desist order vio­la­tion of which results in fines of tens of thou­sands of dol­lars a day, and dou­ble that if the vio­la­tion is “will­ful.” Worst of all, landown­ers could not chal­lenge those orders because they remained “unen­forced” until violated.

For exam­ple, when the EPA declared arid lands owned by Dr. Larry Squires of Hobbs, New Mex­ico, “waters of the United States” because birds landed in ponds cre­ated by spo­radic heavy rains, Dr. Squires chal­lenged the order; but, his law­suit was dis­missed as untimely. A fed­eral appeals court ruled his inabil­ity to ques­tion whether his lands were “wet­lands” with­out pay­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars in fines or going to jail was not “con­sti­tu­tion­ally intol­er­a­ble” given that it would “under­mine the EPA’s reg­u­la­tory author­ity.” For­tu­nately, in 2012, the Supreme Court unan­i­mously ended this abuse in a law­suit by the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Nonethe­less, tar­geted landown­ers did reach the Supreme Court. In 1985, decid­ing at which point “water ends and land begins,” the Court upheld a def­i­n­i­tion that included wet­lands that “actu­ally abut on” tra­di­tional nav­i­ga­ble waters. In 2001, the Court held that “non-navigable, iso­lated, intrastate waters,” even those used by migra­tory birds (remem­ber Dr. Squires) were not within the Clean Water Act.

In 2006, rul­ing on whether the Clean Water Act included intrastate wet­lands adja­cent to non-navigable trib­u­taries of nav­i­ga­ble waters, the Supreme Court vacated the rules of the Army Corps of Engi­neers. On behalf of a four-member plu­ral­ity, Jus­tice Antonin Scalia required “con­tin­u­ous sur­face con­nec­tion to bod­ies that are ‘waters of the United States’ in their own right,” but Jus­tice Anthony M. Kennedy, while con­cur­ring in strik­ing down the rules, demanded “a ‘sig­nif­i­cant nexus’ to waters that are or were nav­i­ga­ble in fact or that could rea­son­ably be so made.”

In 2007, the EPA and the Corps of Engi­neers responded to the court’s rul­ings and in late 2008, after the receipt of 66,000 com­ments, issued new guid­ance on iden­ti­fy­ing “waters of the United States.” Then, in 2011, the two agen­cies pro­posed guid­ance that expanded sig­nif­i­cantly the reach of the Clean Water Act, includ­ing over ver­nal pools, prairie pot­holes, nat­ural ponds and playa lakes. In response to 230,000 com­ments, many of which demanded a for­mal rule-making, the agen­cies issued that pro­posal in April.

Liv­ing up to its rep­u­ta­tion for cre­at­ing, as lib­eral law pro­fes­sor Jonathan Tur­ley put it, “a con­sti­tu­tional tip­ping point,” the Obama administration’s new rules con­sti­tute a his­toric land grab. Con­trary to Jus­tice Kennedy’s instruc­tion, the rules: extend to all waters (not just wet­lands) and all waters adja­cent to non-navigable inter­state waters; cre­ate a juris­dic­tional con­cept “sim­i­larly sit­u­ated waters” by mis­quot­ing the jus­tice; and ignore his demand that an agency “estab­lish nexus on a case-by-case basis when it seeks to reg­u­late wet­lands based on adja­cency to non-navigable tributaries.”

Worse yet, in vio­la­tion of the Constitution’s com­merce clause, they assert author­ity over waters that are nei­ther instru­men­tal­i­ties nor chan­nels of inter­state com­merce and that do not sub­stan­tially affect inter­state commerce.

Over its past six years, the Supreme Court has ruled unan­i­mously against the Obama administration’s posi­tion on 20 occa­sions. These new wet­land rules may make 21.

• William Perry Pend­ley, a lawyer, is pres­i­dent of Moun­tain States Legal Foun­da­tion in Denver

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