Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How we lost the Cold War

In 1989, the Cold War between the US and the USSR ended when the USSR dissolved, because it couldn’t afford to support continued advances in military capability and all the satellite countries it had acquired after World War II.   The prospects for peace between the US and Russia were good.

However, in the years following 1989, most countries in Africa became Communist and Muslim and most countries in Europe became Socialist and Muslim.  Most countries in Asia leaned toward Socialism or Communism. 

If the Cold War was about keeping the world safe for Democracy, we didn’t do that.  We only called an end to the arms race with Russia.  What did happen is that many of those communist countries adopted a smidgen of free enterprise in order to pay for their big governments and welfare plans.  Some European and Balkan countries struggle to maintain a private economy.  Governments became “one party” systems.  The US and some European countries pretend to have a two-party system, but it really isn’t.

So we fought Communism for 44 years, from 1945 to 1989 to keep Communists from overtaking other countries and our prosperity was extraordinary. By 1989, however, our US government had been packed with American Communists and their enablers working in government as elected officials and federal employees.  The policies adopted since 1989 have resulted in record unsustainable debt and a crashed economy. As it stands now, the Communists are winning.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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