Saturday, November 21, 2015

Keep Muslim Refugees in Muslim Countries

The Majority has Spoken, 11/20/15, League of Power <>

When you listened to the leftist media outlets this week you'd hear about the "heartless” Republicans wanting to block asylum for innocent children.

While no one likes the thought of innocent children suffering, the Syrian refugee issue has very little to do with children.  It has everything to do with protecting the United States from terrorist attacks.

The big story yesterday was surprise surprise this isn't a partisan issue at all.

A House Bill imposing restrictions on Syrian refugees passed by a landslide.  The vote included 47 democrats voting in favor.

There was also an NBC news poll that showed the majority of Americans oppose allowing any Syrian refugees into the country.

Protecting our country from terrorists is something ALL Americans want.

I've seen this in my own life as well.  With some of my most liberal friends also being against allowing Syrian refugees to enter the country...  or at the very least seriously restricting it.  This is what that House Bill is attempting to do.

There are other options.  Here is what Chris Christie had to say earlier this week on CNN…"The President's the person who created this entire situation," the New Jersey governor said. "He didn't keep his word when he drew a red line in Syria. He allowed the situation in Syria to happen, he hasn't set up a no-fly zone that could create a safe haven for these refugees to live safely in their own country, rather than having to scatter all across the world. And he's the one who's casting aspersions? It's a joke. And he's a joke on this issue."**

Obama has failed to keep his promises and take action against the Syrian government.  He's also failed to create the no-fly zones that could have protected many innocent Syrian people.

To me the best option to protecting our country and the innocent Syrians is to create a safe zone in Syria with the help of our allies. Hopefully, the message will finally get to our President.

Mark Patricks, League of Power<>

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