Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trump Must Win

by Felton Williamson Jr. Georgians for Constitutional Government

The Aristocracy controls the Government by making political contributions to Candidates for Congress and the Presidency.

The Puppet Press is used by the Aristocracy to benefit its Candidates and to attack their enemies. The actions of the Puppet Press make it easy to identify the Aristocracy’s Candidates and enemies. For the last six months the Puppet Press has vilified Mr. Trump and supports his opponents. The Puppet Press has even described Mr. Trump’s supporters as uneducated and stupid attempting to intimidate Mr. Trump’s supporters. The attacks on Mr. Trump and his supporters could be a subterfuge; however, it would appear that Mr. Trump is, indeed, an opponent of the Aristocracy. Mr. Trump is the only Candidate that maybe an opponent of the Aristocracy. Mr. Trump may be our last chance to purge the 21st Century Dictator and reclaim the Republic.

THE ARISTOCRACY: A DEFINITION - Those who use government force in the pursuit of wealth and power.
The Aristocracy’s strategy for the 2016 Presidential election is to control both the Democratic and Republican Nominees. Don’t let the Aristocracy win the election before the first vote is cast!

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