Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Bolsheviks are Democrats

An Urgent Message from author, producer, former investigative journalist, and GOP Trust Executive Director Scott Wheeler, 6/4/16
Democrats have been stirring up violence using mobs, including mobs of illegal aliens, to sow hate and discontent throughout our nation. This is not new for them, Democrats have always done this because brute force is the way that autocrats impose their will on the masses.

For those that do not realize how dangerously close our nation is sliding towards a banana republic, just look at the mainstream media reaction to both the State Department and the White House removing on-the-record statements by their spokesmen from the public record.

Fox News is really the only news network covering this dangerous trend. This is what fascists and communists do. Josef Stalin was famous for erasing from Soviet history those who crossed him. The Obama Administration has been caught doing the same thing--but what is worse is the lack of reaction from most so-called "journalists".

The press would be on a non-stop news telethon if a Republican president had altered even one syllable of a word, but we have caught Obama removing statements that were now known to be outright lies from the official record of the State Department and of White House Spokesman Josh Earnest. That combined with the Democrat Party organized violent protests taking place at political rallies around the nation are very dangerous indicators of the coming trouble for our nation.  
We cannot let our nation succumb to this!

You may have noticed that most Democrats never believe in using violence to defend our nation, but when it comes to protecting their political power, violence is approved. That is why we have been laying the ground work to take on the entire Democrat Party apparatus--because we know that as a political faction they have many tricks up their sleeve and attacking one candidate will not work--we must expose the entire anti-American corrupt entity so that independent voters and pro-America Democrat voters will abandon them in this election. 
This is something that can be done if we get started right away, and it is critical that we succeed.


We must unite and fight this corrupt, Stalinist Democrat Party before it is too late. We have already done the work--we have compiled overwhelming evidence--now we must have your participation in order to finalize our strategy and drive the uninformed voters away from Hillary Clinton, Obama, and whoever else they might offer up to run for President.

Obama might be playing games with Clinton's indictment, but either way our plan works because it is not based on attacking one particular candidate, it goes after the entire corrupt Democrat establishment. This will also help our down-ballot races where we have good conservatives under attack. We need everyone on board with this strategy. We have made available the documentary series that will shock this nation if we can get the videos on television. This is the best investment you can make in this election, and in your nation, because if we do not defeat the corrupt establishment what comes next will be devastating to our economy.

Our objective is to bring about the end of the Democrat Party because it is hopelessly corrupt and has significant control over the mainstream media. We will do this by expanding the political battlefield to the entire country and make the Democrats defend every one of their cronies up for reelection.

We have all the evidence we need to destroy the Democrat Party because we have been gathering it over the past twenty-two years, and it is time to unleash it! We have documentaries that must be seen across the country--
you can help us get them on the air--if you haven't already seen them, we will send you copies if you can help us buy airtime.

The best way to accomplish this is to make the Clintons and their corruption drama a problem for all Democrats across the country.

Yours in Liberty, Scott Wheeler, Executive Director


The violent protestors are paid with money from Soros laundered through non-profits like “move on”, black lives matter, occupy, acorn and hundreds of other front groups.  They were hired to riot in Ferguson and are the cause of violence, property damage and assaults at selected events.

Although law enforcement has photo identified the same perpetrators at multiple riots, the DOJ protects their “political speech”.  So if you are a Democrat criminal, you are just exercising your political speech. This has to change in 2017.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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