Saturday, June 4, 2016

Trump & Mohammad Ali

What Trump does and what Ali did is marketing.  Ali was always on TV talking up the next fight and emphasizing that he would win.  Ali’s famous quotes included: “I’m the greatest”.   What appeared to be bragging was Ali’s talent for being a “pitchman”.  He never stopped marketing.  Why ?  Because it was necessary to talk up the next fight to advertise it and promote it.  Why ?  Because if you didn’t, the fight wouldn’t produce enough enthusiasm to make it a success.  

Trump does the same thing.  It sounds like bragging, but there are two messages.  One is the repetition that he will make America “great again” and the other is to promote his candidacy.  He is the pitchman for his candidacy.  Why does he do this ?  Because it is necessary to build excitement and support to get the attention of voters who would otherwise not notice his candidacy.

Trump beat 17 other candidates who were Senators and Governors and at least half of them supported many of the same policies.  But you had to do some homework to know that and most voters don’t do homework.  They are busy with their lives and generally ignore politics because it’s boring.  So, Trump had to raise the volume and continue to do marketing.  His business experience has taught him that to be successful, he needed to do marketing all the time. 

The other reason that Trump won the GOP nomination is that he came out against all of the policies voters disliked. Voters believed global warming was a hoax, but Trump was the only one who would say it.  Informed voters knew that the UN was the source of most of our bad policies and Trump was the only one who spoke up and confirmed it. Voters blamed both Democrats and Republicans for our jobs recession and so did Trump. He attacked our bad trade agreements, excessive immigration and large trade deficit and exposed the government’s policies that created our jobs recession.  He exposed the Bush dynasty as enablers.

Last year I wrote that the Presidential candidate who told the most truth would win.  It turned out to be Trump.  No other candidate had all the skills needed to win the Whitehouse from the globalist Muslim Marxist Democrats. In addition he was able to kill political correctness like Round Up.

But if he hadn’t been a perpetual marketing machine, his candidacy would have failed. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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