Friday, June 3, 2016

The GA GOP Transition

Georgia Republican delegates and alternates will meet in Augusta this weekend starting Friday, June 3 at 10 AM and ends Sunday June 5 with a prayer breakfast.   All participants are volunteers and registration costs $100.   GA GOP State conventions occur every 4 years. 

The business of this convention is to select delegates for the National Convention, select National Officers and approve Rules and Resolutions.  Georgia will send 76 delegates to the GOP National Convention in Cleveland Ohio on July 18 – 21. 

The National delegates and National Officers selected are typically volunteers who have worked in the Republican Party at all levels for decades, plus a few younger members recommended by applicant selection committees. 

The GA GOP also holds State Conventions to elect Republican Party Officers and delegates.  This was done in 2015 to elect County, Congressional District and State Officers. 

The GA GOP has been in transition since 2008.  Our elected officials have been overspending and have increased the National Debt approaching $20 trillion, while excessive immigration has created a systemic jobs and household income recession.  The federal government has become predatory and the states have been the enablers.  Voters have had enough and blame Republicans for not moderating the Democrat’s race toward global socialism and subservience to the UN’s push for global governance.    

Also, since 2008, Constitutional Conservative groups have joined together and Donald Trump has made the case to save our economy and US sovereignty.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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