Friday, June 3, 2016

Liberty v Death

Patrick Henry expressed it well.  What he wanted was the freedom to support himself and his family without a predatory government treating him as if he had no rights to be self-sufficient and free from government tyranny. 

Europeans fled to America for multiple reasons, but once they were here, they saw the possibility for great success.   The deal they went to war with Britain over was the freedom to prosper under a limited government that guaranteed them the right to do that. 

The family was the primary economic unit and people were free to associate with vendors and customers they believed were trustworthy.  Americans wanted the “rule of law” to protect their property rights and freedom of association.  

Christians in these days were generous to families who had suffered from illness or disaster and communities functioned.  America was a “meritocracy” where everyone who could, developed their occupational skill to improve their standard of living. 

The European Renaissance from 1300 AD to 1600 AD had produced advances in applied science and European countries were establishing trade routes across the world.  The American continent was first seen as a source of gold, silver and new trade goods.   But by 1600, America was seen as a place to settle, so European farmers began to settle in these colonies.   By 1750, American settlers were anxious to secure property rights that could not be taken away; they were accustomed to their freedom and realized that a predatory British King could remove that freedom.

The Revolutionary War 1775-1783 resulted in the formation of a new sovereign nation from 1783 to 1789 when George Washington became our first President.

The 13 colonies formed the United States of America as a federal government with limited powers granted by the sovereign States.  Individual families continued to be the basic economic unit and citizens were free, but not subsidized by government at any level.  The US Constitution (as written) was followed until 1860.  

After that, Congress, the President and the Courts proceeded to violate the US Constitution.  Our current problems with government are the direct result of this treason.  It is fixable, but would require the passage of the proper Amendments being ratified by the States.  Congress has refused to propose these Amendments, because they know that none of them would be ratified by the States.

With voters being pushed out of the process, corporations and other Special Interest groups have taken over our elective and legislative processes.

Citizens v Special Interests

Our rights as citizens has been usurped by Special Interests’ participation in our elective and legislative processes. International Marxist criminals have infiltrated the UN, the Whitehouse, the Courts and the Congress and are being funded by our global corporations.  These enemies from within have infiltrated the Democrat Party, US foundations, the media, universities, non-profits and our churches.  This is “the establishment” in the US.

UN Agenda 21 implementation has caused State Legislatures to pass laws enforced with federal bribes to shut voter out of local decisions, so that now local elected officials can spend and borrow whatever they want without having to get voter approval.  The federal government has been waging a war on US citizens with excessive immigration, refusal to enforce US law and the corruption of our private economy.

Our dilemma as citizens is much more dire than the dilemmas faced by our founding fathers when they decided to declare independence from a tyrannical British government.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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