Friday, June 3, 2016

Trump & Patton

General George S. Patton was the “get it done guy” in World War II; he was also outspoken and was constantly reprimanded for his lack of “political correctness”.   Patton believed that speed saved the lives of his troops and routinely moved his tank corps to their assigned battles in half the time it took others. Patton didn’t put up with defective equipment and made sure personally that it was replaced. Patton lead from the front and liked to walk with and talk with his troops. The German high command believed that Patton was our best General and those who served under his command knew he was the best.  Patton’s bosses also knew he was the best and he had the full confidence of Generals Marshall and Eisenhower.    

Trump has mentioned that he would look for a Patton to bring the US military back from the brink.  Dick Morris, whose father was Trump’s father’s real estate attorney said that Trump would move quickly in his first 100 days to rehabilitate the country and there would be no stopping him.  Trump has identified every serious problem we voters believe need to be remedied in order to save our country.  He was the only candidate with the courage to do this.  Trumps friends, associates and children tell us he is the best and we believe he is. 
Fainter hearts are incapable of the kind of reform we need to accomplish in order to save our economy and our national sovereignty.  The enemies within the US are currently running our country into the ground and we will need Trump to become our Patton if we hope to succeed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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