Monday, November 14, 2016

Corporate CEOs should Back Off

The days of big corporations throwing their weight around are over. Politically correct corporations with pro-Liberal “policies” need to cool it and remove all policies that overreach on state and federal law.

I’ve seen antidiscrimination ordinances protecting Gays for decades and Gays have still not been added to the Civil Rights Act.  If they ever are added, then corporations can simply add that they support state and federal without naming those laws to promote them.

The NFL threatened to ban Atlanta from super bowl consideration unless they dropped their “Pastor Protection Act”, protecting pastors from discrimination lawsuits. These pastors should be hiring staff who practice their religion in the denomination of the pastor and church. They should not be subject to lawsuits by Muslim and Gay Activists. Coke also made threats.

Corporations should drop their attacks on Voter preferences and get political policies out of their policy manuals.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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