Monday, November 14, 2016

Marines drown-out protestors

WATCH – Anti-Trump Rioters Accidentally March Into Marine Corps Pub Party, The Result… WOW

Picking a fight with a large group of US Marines is like stepping on a hornet’s nest. Not a good idea. Call it unlucky, but a group of anti-Trump rioters did just that on Thursday evening while marching through the streets of Tampa, according to a report from Freedom Daily. This is a classic case of wrong place, wrong time. The perfect storm. Luckily for the protesters, the Marines did not use their warrior skills but instead drowned out their chants of protest with their own chants of, “USA, USA, USA.”

In the days since Republican Donald Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton, thousands have flocked to the streets of US cities in protest. On this night, protesters accidentally meandered into unfriendly territory.

While making their way down East 8th Avenue, they stopped in front of an Irish pub which was hosting a pub crawl for local members of the US Marine Corp.

Soon, the chants on the street of “dump trump!” were drowned-out emphatically by the Marines. The Marines then moved outside to address the protesters face-to-face. The intensity escalated.

The war of chants went on for several minutes until it was finally broken up by local police. No one was injured and there were no arrests. Ah, freedom at its best.

But, the division in America remains. It is real and growing. The problem is that those in the anti-Trump camp lack basic understanding of American law — usually thanks to the US public school system and the Liberals who run it. 

Two nights ago, a CNN cameraman was pleading for Hillary Clinton to barge “into the Supreme Court and do something.” Never mind that a fair election took place and there, as always, was a winner and a loser.

On this night in Florida, an anti-trump female protester said “People are not going to go down without a fight. A lot of people are feeling marginalized, a lot of people feeling oppressed. They’ve lost hope.”

Look, if anyone knows that feeling it’s those of us on the right, after 2008 and 2012. We get it. And, to a degree, we feel for you. But, this country holds fair and open elections where the people speak. And We the People voted for Trump. End of story. End of fight.

As we celebrate the great wins this week, let’s try to extend an olive branch to those who are struggling. Let us be those who unite, not divide.

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