Saturday, November 12, 2016

Immigration, Healthcare and Jobs

Trump announced that Immigration, healthcare and jobs are the first priorities.  The three issues are tied together.  We have seen endless years of importing 1.8 million immigrants each year.  Also, we graduate 1.8 million students each year.  And we create 1.8 million jobs each year.  Decades of this lunacy have produced 95 million working-age US citizens without jobs.  If we stopped all immigration today, it would still take 53 years to find jobs for our 95 million US citizens.  If we double the jobs, we cut the wait in half.

Obamacare’s 30 hour per week rule has caused business to cut their hours to less than 30 hours per week to avoid having to provide health insurance to employees. This has contributed to the loss of family income.

Immigration involves canceling unconstitutional executive orders, securing the border, stopping the refugee invasion, identifying alien criminals and deporting them, identifying all other resident non-citizens and determining their status.  It also involves restoring our immigration policies to attract who we need and avoid welfare immigrants.  Refugee camps will be established in Muslim countries to reverse the Muslim invasion.

Cheaper catastrophic major medical insurance will be offered by insurance companies across State lines to cover pre-existing conditions and children living at home under age 26. I expect that many will elect no coverage or a health savings account instead of health insurance. Healthcare costs are unsustainable and will need to be reduced. I expect healthcare costs will be deductible on our taxes.

Jobs will return to the US after we lower the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, allowing companies to remain in the US and return to the US. We want to retain and return manufacturing jobs to the US for US citizens. Lowering the tax rate to 10% for $2.5 trillion in off-shore profits will raise $250 billion for infrastructure. That will leave $2.25 trillion for capital investment to return manufacturing to the US. The latest highly automated, high-speed manufacturing equipment will surpass our previous productivity levels.

Unleashing our oil, gas and mining industries will mean additional good paying jobs to return to build the pipelines and get ready to become a net exporter. This will reduce our trade deficit dramatically after oil and gas prices stabilize. Paring back unnecessary EPA regulations to remove carbon capture will ensure lower energy prices for the long term. Paring back unnecessary water regulations will protect our water supply.  Paring back unnecessary environmental and endangered species regulations will end the war on farming and ranching.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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