Monday, November 7, 2016

Trump Ahead

2 national tracking polls have Trump up, Donald leads Hillary by 2 and 5 points in latest surveys, 11/7/16 WND

WASHINGTON – Two national daily tracking polls show Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton by between 1 and 5.6 points in the latest surveys.

In the Los Angeles Times daily tacking poll, Trump has taken his largest lead yet in the campaign with a 5.6 percent edge – 48.2 to 42.6.

The Los Angeles Times tracking poll shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton two days before Election Day.

In the Investors Business Daily national tracking poll, which has proven to be the most accurate indicator in presidential elections since 2004, Trump has extended his lead over Hillary Clinton, 43 percent to 41 percent. Trump’s two-point lead now matches his largest so far during the 20 days of polling.

The IBD/TIPP poll results follow the “November surprise” from FBI Director James Comey, who announced Sunday he would not pursue the criminal investigation of Clinton for her email scandal.

Perhaps significantly, the L.A. Times poll shows the gender gap now hurts Hillary Clinton. Trump has a 16.2 percent lead among men, while she has a 4.9 percent lead among women voters. Trump also only trails in the Hispanic vote by 3 points.

The Real Clear Politics average of nine recent national polls as of early Sunday morning has Clinton up by 2.1 points in a four-way race. But it was 7.1 points as recently as Oct. 17.
All polls were taken before the news broke that FBI Director James Comey, once again, shocked the political world by telling Congress he was closing the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email policies. As national polls have tightened, Trump has closed the gap in several key states, including Florida and Ohio.

Fresh surveys in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire and Colorado suggest that they may be in reach for the GOP nominee. Meanwhile, Real Clear Politics labels traditionally Republican states Arizona and Georgia as tossups.

The critical battleground states of Florida and North Carolina are too close to call heading into Tuesday’s presidential election, according to polling released Monday by Quinnipiac University.

Clinton held a scant 1-point lead over Donald Trump in Florida and a 2-point lead over Trump in North Carolina. “While neither of these states is likely to be as close as the 548 votes in Florida that decided the 2000 election, both states could keep the country up counting ballots well into Wednesday morning and perhaps beyond,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. Veteran election watcher Charlie Cook has backed away from his prediction less than two weeks ago that the race is “over.”

Video: Cruz slams Clinton as a "pay to play" politician

“The race is in a different place than 8 or 9 days ago when there was virtually no path for Trump,” the publisher of the Cook Political Report told the Hill on Saturday. “So yes, like everyone else, we’ve revised our assessment.” Trump has multiple paths to winning the White House. But he does need to win most of the battleground states, whereas Clinton only needs a few.


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