Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Voter Fraud 2016


150,000 ballots have already been counted before the proper procedures took place in Broward County, Florida. Florida officials have been caught filling absentee ballots. According to a former Secretary of Elections Department employee, there is a secret room where Democrat insiders fill out those absentee ballots.

Rigged Voting Machines PA

BREAKING: PA Voters Sick After Seeing What Happened to Their Ballots After Voting

Reports are already flooding in that voter turnout in Pennsylania has been high, expecting to reach at least 80 percent. With today being Election Day, a high turnout is exactly what we need to make sure the will of the people is made known. However, there have been some issues at polling booths that seem to be threatening that same will.

In Pennsylvania’s Clinton Township in Butler County, there were confirmed issues with two of their automated voting machines. Election judges confirmed that issues arose when people tried to vote straight party ticket. However, most shockingly, issues arose when voters tried to vote for Republican Donald Trump, only to see their vote switch to Democrat Hillary Clinton right before their eyes.

“I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time,” Bobbie Lee Hawranko said to local Pittsburg media KDKA.

Officials recalibrated the machines and hoped that the problem had been resolved.  However, Allegheny County reportedly had other issues with Election Day polling places, when a judge of elections did not show up on time.

The judge of elections, Margaret Vernon, missed the opening time of her polling place in Springdale Borough, and didn’t show up until three hours later when Sheriff’s deputies escorted her into the facility. Vernon claimed that she was ill but still will be charged with a failure to perform her duties.

Pennsylvania Rep. Daryl Metcalfe urged voters to talk to election officials if they encounter any problem at the polls“If somebody has an issue, they should certainly let the judge of elections at the precinct know and also call their county bureau of elections as folks have done here this morning,” Metcalfe said.

Be sure to spread this story so people will be aware of what could happen to them at the polls today, and to know what to do when something seems to be wrong. This is our country and our vote, so let’s make sure it counts!

System Crash CO

BREAKING: All Election Systems Are “Down” in Swing State of Colorado

With plenty of suggestions that the 2016 election would be “rigged” in favor of Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, as well as plenty of anecdotal evidence of voting fraud in previous elections, it is understandable that people are on edge and any sudden changes to the system could be viewed with some skepticism.

So it was when all voting systems in Denver, Colorado, went down temporarily Tuesday, prompting a flurry of tweets from a local reporter covering the election for Denver’s KUSA.
Shortly after 3 p.m. local time, she tweeted, “Breaking: announcement just made at Denver Elections Office that all state systems are down.”

A mere moment later she added, “For now, were told voting is happening ‘one at a time’ at Denver Elections. Lines are growing. Hoping to speak with officials soon.” About 15 minutes after her initial tweets, she reported, “DENVER ELECTIONS OFFICE: the system is up and running again, voters going to polls here. Unclear if issue was fixed across the state.”

According to, the Denver Elections Office confirmed that all of their election systems had gone down across the state, but insisted that they would all be back up again at an unspecified time.

They also made clear that their state database that confirms voter registration was down as well, raising the possibility that some people may have cast votes without having their registration confirmed with the state database.

And some people wonder why many Americans have grown incredibly cynical and suspicious when it comes to the topic of voter fraud in largely Democrat-controlled areas, such as Denver.

Hopefully this was nothing more than a glitch that resulted in no real harm done other than some voters being inconvenienced by having to wait a few more moments than anticipated.

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