Wednesday, November 9, 2016

US Communist Takeover Averted

UN Agenda 21, released in 1992, is the roadmap being used by Marxist, criminal oligarchs to destroy all sovereign countries on the planet and establish a one-world Communist government. The stated excuse for this disaster was ‘global warming’ that claimed that carbon dioxide must be reduced to avert an environmental catastrophe. This was a well-orchestrated, well-funded government hoax that coopted climate scientists with threats and bribes. Their contrived conclusion was based on a computer model, not actual data. But it didn’t start there.

The Iron Mountain Report (1966), suggested that government should fabricate a lie that the earth was facing an environmental catastrophe that would result in “gross pollution of the environment”. In 1963, a panel of 15 academics were chosen to assemble a plan that would lead to world peace.  They produced the Iron Mountain Report.

In 1992, the UN published UN Agenda 21 to implement the Iron Mountain Report.

Trevor Loudon’s book “The Enemies Within” outlines the infiltration of universities, the media and all political parties by Liberals as outlined in the American Communist Party Goals published in 1920 and restated in 1966. We saw socialism creep across Europe and enter American politics. Liberals had entered politics on a global scale.

The global Communist movement didn’t miss a beat after the bankruptcy and break-up of the Soviet Union in 1989.  UN Agenda 21 was adopted by 180 countries in 1992. The EU was created in 1993 as the first region of the “new world order”.  Member countries gradually lost their ability to write and pass their own laws. 

Australia’s repeal of their carbon tax in 2014, the Brexit vote in 2016 and the Trump election in 2016 are signs that the citizens of the sovereign countries are rejecting UN domination and abuse. The UN imposed refugee resettlement program is the last straw.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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