Friday, December 9, 2016

Land Mines

Democrats have been planting land mines in the US for over 100 years.  They might start out small, like our 1% income tax rate in 1913, but they had started undermining the Constitution and were determined to totally destroy it. 

These land mines are buried in legislation. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination runes caused the 2008 Meltdown by forcing banks to make mortgage loans to unqualified buyers.

More land mines are buried in erroneous Supreme Court interpretations and the refusal of Congress to correct them. Congress can pass laws that include the right to life to the unborn. They can pass a law to allow school prayer. They can end “anchor baby” citizenship. They can clarify eligibility to hold office to require Presidential candidates to be the children of legal US citizens. They can pass a law that declares that Islam is not a religion and ban Sharia law in the US. They can pass a law that anti-discrimination law suits are invalid.

There are financial land mines that have been planted. Federal Reserve money printing increased the money supply by 450%. This needs to be clawed back before it creates inflation.  Federal overspending for decades has taken our National Debt to $20 trillion; this is unsustainable and we need big reductions in federal spending to begin to pay off this debt.  Off-shoring our manufacturing was suicidal and this needs to be restored. Giving taxpayer money to any foreign entity is crazy and unnecessary. Federal grants to States used as bribes is huge and needs to be cut. Federal funding of healthcare is unsustainable. Federal involvement in Education is suicidal.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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