Saturday, June 16, 2018


AJC 6/14/18 article reports that suicide among women is up and the mental illness professionals are speculating about the amount of stress women are subjected to as single parent breadwinners. They also want more grant money.

I don’t believe my life actually belongs to me. I believe my life belongs to God.  I believe God created me and everything else and I am in awe of everything God created. So, I really don’t have a choice about staying alive.  I am content to stay alive and do what I think God wants me to do until God is ready for me to die. I was blessed with a high tolerance for pain that I attribute to remaining a Catholic and a Republican all my life. I’m a tough guy.

I can understand how people are overcome by stress. But I also understand that if you let God help you work through your difficulties, He will take care of you. This doesn’t require hours of prayer at church. It just requires that you remain mindful of God throughout the day, every day.

I remember being concerned about my career when I was in my 30s, but soon realized that I just needed to relax and trust that God would guide me. After all, my life is in God’s hands.  That surrender allowed me to function without any fear. I am one of those people who is not afraid to be myself. I am inner-directed and not susceptible to group-think. I say what I think and why I think it and am open to new information. I am not naïve’. I can smell a scam.

But others are not as fortunate. Perhaps our social scientists will improve their treatment of depression and stress, but I won’t hold my breath. I recommend starting with a blood test and the identification of the need for adrenal support, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and smarter nutrition. I also recommend that those who suffer from stress read about games in transactional analysis to see if they recognize themselves engaging in self-defeating behaviors.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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