Thursday, October 18, 2018

Weaponized Racism

Throughout history, we’ve seen clans of hunter gatherers glom together for survival. They then began to settle down to farming, raising livestock, securing clean water supplies, handling sanitation and using fire to extract metals from ore.

There was “tribalism” but really no racism. Israel’s King David was attracted to the Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia). Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt was attractive to Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony (Rome).  Mediterranean countries intermarried. Explorers mated with indigenous women. French fur trappers were completely comfortable mating with Native American women. It has been well established for millennia that race was not a barrier and all races of people possessed the same range of intelligence as all other people. The primary difference had to do with cultures, beliefs and customs.

Only those geographically isolated in homogeneous groups became accustomed to mating with their own kind. Their governments used this to claim that they were superior. When these groups were threatened economically, they made up things.

People were also aware of “breeding” and had a rudimentary idea of genetics.  They breed livestock and horses.  They noticed their similarities with their children and other relatives.

In the 1960s Charles Darwin published his “theory of evolution” and his cousin, Sir Francis Galton published his work on “heredity, talent and character”. This prompted the beginnings of “Eugenics”, that proposed selective breeding of human beings and sterilization of the inferior humans.

The Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1865 by a group of former Confederate soldiers. They opposed the integration of Blacks until they were suppressed in the 1970s. They were reactivated in 1915 and included opposition Blacks and to many other groups.

Charles Davenport received a Carnegie grant to study eugenics in 1904.  Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 to promote population control.

The Eugenics Crusade
Film Description
A hybrid derived from the Greek words meaning “well” and “born,” the term eugenics was coined in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton, a British cousin to Charles Darwin, to name a new “science” through which human beings might take charge of their own evolution. The Eugenics Crusade tells the story of the unlikely –– and largely unknown –– movement that turned the fledgling scientific theory of heredity into a powerful instrument of social control. Perhaps more surprising still, American eugenics was neither the work of fanatics, nor the product of fringe science. The goal of the movement was simple and, to its disciples, laudable: to eradicate social ills by limiting the number of those considered to be genetically “unfit” –– a group that would expand to include many immigrant groups, the poor, Jews, the mentally and physically disabled, and the “morally delinquent.” At its peak in the 1920s, the movement was in every way mainstream, packaged as a progressive quest for “healthy babies.” Its doctrines were not only popular and practiced, but codified by laws that severely restricted immigration and ultimately led to the institutionalization and sterilization of tens of thousands of American citizens. Populated by figures both celebrated and obscure, The Eugenics Crusade is an often revelatory portrait of an America at once strange and eerily familiar.

Eugenics was visible in Hitler’s extermination atrocities and his propaganda promoting the Aryan Race. Hitler went too far with this fantasy to whip up support for his war.

The Eugenics fad created a 100 year pendulum swing from 1860 to 1960. The ugly results killed it.

We have been reacting since 1960 to push the pendulum back toward human rights and we are again discovering we’ve gone too far.

We need to recognize individual sovereignty and individual responsibility. We need to restore self-support and the free market economy. If given a chance, people will eliminate their own poverty

When science is employed for political purposes, the excesses become unsustainable.

Currently, Globalists are promoting “multiculturalism” to advance their plan for Global Governance. Racism has lost its original meaning and is used to describe anyone who doesn’t support Global Socialist Governance. Globalists have gone too far with this fantasy. Once again, they’ve gone too far in the wrong direction for political purposes.

All economies are National. Nobody with any sense wants to import poverty into their countries and open their borders to plunder.

The blueprint for Global Socialist Government is outlined in UN Agenda 21.  The blueprint for destroying the US is outlined in the American Communist Party Goals published in their book in 1920 and again repeated as a warning in Congress in 1963.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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