Sunday, July 7, 2019

Suicidal Immigration Policies

Michelle Malkin Ends the Immigration Debate in Just 5 Minutes, CPAC 2019.

The current US non-citizen population includes:
5 3 million visa overstays
0.7 million guest workers
13+ million illegal welfare migrants
0.7 million refugees and asylees
2.5 million lottery
8.75 million chain migrants
30.95 million non-citizens

Current Immigration law permits:
Anchor Baby Citizenship 800,000 per year
Visa Lottery 50,000 per year
Refugees 30,000 per year
Chain Migration 1.7 million per year
Illegal Migrants 2.0 million per year
Guest workers 700,000 per year
Visa overstays 5.3 million per year
Total of 10.8 million immigrants per year.

These levels of immigration are unsustainable. We need to complete the border wall and get control over immigration from all ports of entry.  We need to return to immigration of self-supporting immigrants with the skills we currently need. The US education system is more than capable of producing low skilled workers.

See video at:


The US needs to eliminate immigration of low skilled, low paid workers. We are admitting 10.8 million welfare immigrants a year and only add about 3 million job per year.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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