Saturday, November 9, 2019

Land Ownership

Land ownership is a wealth builder, but many countries restrict families from buying land, except in the US and a few other places.

Land ownership in the US allows individuals, families and corporations to buy and hold legal title to land. Land appreciates as an asset and these individuals, families and corporations benefit from owning the land and the buildings as part of their net worth.  They can also sell the land and buildings, transfer title to the new owner and receive cash. When the mortgage on the land and buildings is paid off, the only expense is property taxes.

In other countries, wealthy individuals and corporations own most of the useable land and lease it to homeowners. Governments own most of the unusable land like permafrost and deserts. Arable land may be occupied by families in collectives, but they do not own the land.

Government owns all the land in Communist countries and allocates its use to loyal Communist Party Members. Government usually owns unusable land.  Third-World Governments lease the land.
Vietnam 100% leased
Cuba 100% assigned
China 100% leased
Ethiopia 100% leased
Congo 100% leased
Algeria 100% leased
Libya 99% desert
Nigeria 97% leased
Canada 89% permafrost
Russia 55% permafrost
US 29% federal lands
S Africa 24% not arable

Corporate Owned Land - In the UK, 50 corporations own most of the land. Britain’s biggest landowners include well-heeled aristocrats, government departments, renowned institutions, foreign investors and more.

In Australia, family owned farms, corporate owned farms, and foreign investors own most of the farms and ranches.6% of Australia’s land is arable and 55% is grazable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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