Friday, March 1, 2024

Climate Change Hoax 3-1-24

UN Agenda 21 was signed on to by GHW Bush in Rio in 1989 and implemented by Bill Clinton in 1990.

GW Bush ignored it but didn’t repeal it.  Obama resumed implementation after weaponizing the EPA from 2009 to 2016. Trump quit the UN Climate Change push and called it a Hoax. Biden picked it up again and rejoined the Climate Change push. 

In 2009 we all saw our states impose regional governance and our city, county and ordinances were changed to be identical. The American Planning Association wrote the ordinances and voters were not allowed to vote on these changes. UN Agenda 21 called for the US to merge with Canada and Mexico to become a Region that reported to a UN Global Communist Government. It called for all populations to leave rural areas and move to transit village in several big cities. Only government employees would be allowed in rural areas and would control the food supply. If this sounds like a nightmare, it is, and the laws that permitted this have never been repealed. They have been temporarily stopped advancing. We still have the local effects being implemented including 12 foot Multi-use concrete paths seizing homeowner’s property, “green-spaces”, roundabouts, pushes for more public transit, mixed-use zoning, tax holidays for developers, record increases in road maintenance costs and other “smart growth” debacles.

“Global Warming” was the driver for this “new world order” but implementation stalled as countries voted not to impose “carbon taxes”.  The new name for Global Warming became “Climate Change” because there was no evidence that the earth was warming enough to affect sea levels or even be noticed. Over the past 35 years, we still do not see any evidence of global warming.

In the northern US states, temperatures range from Zero to 80F. In the southern states temperatures range from 30F to 90F with an average winter daytime temperature of 50F.

Ocean warming in the summer still encourages hurricanes as it always has in the past. When north pole ice melted, south pole ice accumulated. We have had periods of temperatures cooling by 2F in the 1700s and 1800s, but no periods of warming since the middle ages. There is no evidence that we need to cut CO2 emissions.

There are methane emissions from the ocean floor that are dissipated by sea water.  This continues to be monitored.

We have cut our carbon monoxide emissions from cars using catalytic converters. This eliminated “smog” that plagued us in the 1970s. Hybrids also helped because their engines turn off and they cycle to electric when we stop and are stuck in traffic.

Tectonic plates and Volcanos continue to be the primary cause of earth modification. Volcanos emit sulfur gases when they erupt and rising magma pushes up to form mountains and large plateaus. 

Some Geologists believe this started 2 billion years ago. Volcanic eruptions have occurred near the Grand Canyon, some of which produced lava flows that temporarily dammed the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon records nearly 2 billion years of Earth’s history. This history began in the Precambrian with tectonic collisions over 1.7 billion years ago. Sedimentary rocks were deposited—and in some cases, eroded away—over hundreds of millions of years during the late Precambrian and subsequent Paleozoic Era. These sedimentary rock layers record both changing environments and types of life. Uplift of the Colorado Plateau about 8 million years ago caused the Colorado River to begin cutting into this sedimentary bedrock, forming the modern Grand Canyon itself.

The volcanic eruption on Mt. St. Helens in 1980 produced an ash cloud that grounded air traffic for days.

The San Andreas Fault is 750 miles long on top of the pacific plate that is sliding under the continental plate. It was discovered after the 1895 San Francisco earthquake. Seismologists monitor this fault.

A hole in the ozone layer was discovered in 1975 and created a panic that banned the use of freon as a refrigerant.  In the mid-1970s, scientists warned that man-made chemicals in everyday products like aerosols, foams, refrigerators and air-conditioners were harming the ozone layer. At that time, they didn't know the scale of the problem. But in 1985, a hole was confirmed in the ozone layer over Antarctica. It eventually closed and has not returned.

We have lots of scientific groups monitoring all sorts of potential threats and their livelihood depends on us continuing to believe that these threats could turn into disasters.

Red No. 2 was finally banned in January 1976. FDA limited saccharin use, because of initial studies indicating possible adverse effects. No final proof has been obtained.

The global warming data that started this panic was incorrect. It was developed using a computer model

that predicted a sudden increase in global warming that never materialized. No final proof has been obtained. The myth continued to live on.

The only threat that has materialized is government spending on the Climate Change Hoax.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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