Monday, October 7, 2024

Bankers Funded Hitler 10-7-24

Total economic isolation could have prevented World War II, but the banks lent Hitler the money to fund his infrastructure projects to fund his rise to power.

German financial operations worldwide were facilitated by banks such as the Bank for International SettlementsChase and Morgan acted for German tycoon Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler's rise to power.  Hitler hid his weapons manufacturing facilities. 

Hitler did not consistently make payments to banks in the traditional sense, as he largely circumvented normal financial regulations by using methods like printing large amounts of money and utilizing a system of "MeFo bills" to fund his rearmament program, essentially creating debt that was not always fully repaid to banks; this contributed to the severe inflation that occurred in Germany during his regime. 

Reparations required by the Treaty of Versailles after 1918 left Germany impoverished.

Adolf Hitler served in World War I from 1914 to 1918 when he volunteered to join the Bavarian Army at the start of the war and served throughout its duration as a frontline soldier, primarily as a dispatch runner. 

The German Workers Party was formed in 1919. It changed its name to the NAZI party in 1920. Hitler became the leader of the NAZI Party in 1921. Hitler was arrested and imprisoned in 1921 for insurrection. While in prison Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf”. Hitler published “Mein Kampf” in 1925. In 1925, Hitler formed the SS.  In 1930, the NAZI Party won 6 million votes and became the 2nd largest Party. Hitler began meeting with bankers in 1930. Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933. Hitler began building the Autobahn in 1933.  Hitler ordered Kristallnacht in1938. Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.,finance%20Hitler's%20rise%20to%20power.

Neville Chamberlain was best known for his policy of appeasement

As Prime Minister of Great Briton, Chamberlain is remembered for his support for the policy of appeasement towards Adolf Hitler over the annexation of Czechoslovakia and the signing Munich Agreement on 29 September 1938. Returning from Munich, Chamberlain delivered his "Peace with Honor - Peace for Our Time" speech.


Hitler was able to build his economy and military, because banks needed customers in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Like Madoff, Hitler set up a Ponzi Scheme. He made payments to Banks using money from new loans from other Banks. He also hid the building of his military. Banks wanted to believe that he was credit-worthy. After World War II, banks were better able to end their isolation from each other.

Joe Biden was best known for his policy of appeasement

As US President he is remembered for his policy of appeasement towards Iran, China and Russia that funded the wars on Israel and Ukraine. He lifted sanctions on Iran and allowed them to fund Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon Hezbollah to attack Israel. He allowed Russia to invade Ukraine. He reduced oil and natural gas drilling in the US  to increase global oil and gas prices. He overspent on the Climate Change Hoax. This caused global inflation and increased Revenues for Iran and Russia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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