Saturday, October 12, 2024

US Inflation History 10-12-24

US Inflation from 1800 to 1900 was essentially flat.  Most years recorded a negative inflation that demonstrated an increase in the value of the US Dollar. The years that showed a Deficit followed the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812 and years where the Federal Government was investing in canals and other critical infrastructure.

Inflation was high during the Mexican War and was very high during the Civil War. The US Dollar continued to strengthen from the 1870s to 1913. After 1913, Deficits increased to fund World War I, World War II and the Korean War. Inflation continued unabated from the 1960s to 2024. The Root Cause of Inflation is Federal Government Deficit Spending.

Average Single Family Home Costs

1940 $2938

1950 $7354

1960 $10,000

1970 $50,000

1980 $73,600

1980 $151,200

2024 $374,032


Federal Deficit Spending can be tracked by comparing $4T US Federal Revenue with $6T US Federal Spending. Federal Spending needs to be reduced back to $4T to match Revenue. The US National Debt is $35T.  US Debt to GDP needs to be reduced from 124% to under 100%. War needs to be replaced by Total Economic Isolation of Iran, Russia, N Korea, China, Venezuela and others. The US needs to Produce what it Consumes. 

The US Federal Deficit in 2024 is $1T. This needs to be reduced to Zero. Interest on the Debt in 2024 is $892B. This needs to be reduced to Zero. The US needs to eliminate its Trade Deficit and show a Trade Surplus.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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