Sunday, November 8, 2015

Condemn Muslim Brotherhood

by Mat Staver, Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action, 11/7/2015

The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the oldest and most influential Islamic movements in the world. They position themselves as a "religious, political, and social movement" made up of around 70 smaller Islamic organizations.
The Brotherhood is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The Muslim Brotherhood's goal is for Islam to dominate the world. Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna is quoted as declaring, "It is in the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."

Their motto reads, "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar!"

As AlaJazeera reported on the Brotherhood several years ago, "The movement's ideology revolves around cementing the Quran and Islamic teachings as a way of life, reviving the Caliphate and rejecting colonial rule. It strives for an all-encompassing system of social justice through this Islamic base."

Hamas is among the Brotherhood's partner organizations, and they also support Hezbollah's war against the Jews. They refer to the current day Israelites as "monkeys and pigs." One of the organizations' most influential leaders was a racist, anti-Semite, and outspoken hater of the United States.
As Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) asserted earlier this week, "The U.S. has officially listed individual members, branches, and charities of the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists, but has not designated the organization as a whole. The Muslim Brotherhood poses a direct and severe threat to U.S. national security through radical jihadist attempts to eliminate and destroy America and its allies." 

The United States' national security is at risk from this wolf in Sheep’s clothing.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) have introduced the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act into the Senate and House, urging John Kerry, the Secretary of State to formally designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a sanctioned foreign terrorist organization.

The bill details the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in violent terrorist aggression, and their links to radical terrorist organizations.  The bill's sponsors also demand answers as to why the State Department and the Obama administration have failed to recognize and designate the Brotherhood for what it is, a "Foreign Terrorist Organization."

Liberty Counsel Action is supporting this initiative by Senator Cruz and Representative Diaz-Balart. Our online petition endorses the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act and rightfully supports the designation of the Brotherhood as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization."

Join with us - for the sake of the United States' national security, the safety of Israel, and for security everywhere the Muslim Brotherhood has influence. 

Click here to read the petition and to add your name

Congress owes it to the American people to uncover and reveal the truth - as Sen. Cruz also advocates: "We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible
for the terrorism they advocate and finance. We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad.  

Since the Obama administration refuses to utter the words 'radical Islamic terrorism,' Congress owes it to the American people to tell them the truth about this threat."

The petition supporting the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act will be delivered to key leaders of both Chambers of Congress as soon as we gather enough names to make a strong impact, or before a vote in either Chamber.

Click here to join with us in this support.

God bless you. God bless America. God bless Israel. Mat

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