Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cures for Disease Ahead

Introducing the Nobel Prize-Winning Solution for ALL Disease, 11/4/15
It began when a team of molecular biologists recently won the Nobel Prize for this breakthrough. They discovered a way to activate a "sleeping gene" inside your cells – one I call the "hTERT Code."
In short, the hTERT Code makes it virtually impossible for any chronic disease to exist in your body. And if you already have diseased cells, you can make them disappear as if they never existed at all. Can you see how this could absolutely demolish the drug companies?
Once the hTERT Code goes mainstream, it could wipe out all disease. And disease is their trillion-dollar cash cow. But these Nobel Prize winners aren't the only ones who cracked its disease-fighting potential.
In fact... Over 16,200 Independent Studies Confirm This Disease-Reversing Treatment You can find these peer-reviewed studies on PubMed – the medical database which holds every reputable study ever conducted.
Over 1,000 of these studies show the hTERT Code could cure cancer. But you won't find a single one mentioned in the media because the media depends on Big Pharma for $27 billion in advertising. And these aren't obscure studies, either...
Scientists from prestigious institutions like Harvard and Stanford have conducted these studies on the hTERT Code.  And their conclusions are nothing short of astonishing.
Take Stanford neurobiologist Dr. Michael Fossel, MD, PhD, who estimates the hTERT Code could help push human lifespan as far as 200.  But there's no reason we could stop there.  He adds: "We should be able to extend the human life span indefinitely." What's more, Fossel says the hTERT Code can, "postpone or prevent the onset of diseases associated with aging."
Then there's Yale molecular biologist Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D. She recently led a team of University of California and Stanford researchers who, in a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found the hTERT Code could reverse Alzheimer's. Blackburn led the same group of University of California researchers to even more dramatic findings – results which were published in the prestigious Lancet Oncology.  In this breakthrough study, her team formed a specific protocol to access the hTERT Code.
They found the test group which followed this protocol managed to avoid a wide variety of age-related diseases, "including many forms of cancer, stroke, vascular dementia, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes."
And Harvard graduate Dr. Dean Ornish, MD conducted a study on men with prostate cancer, also published in Lancet Oncology, which found the hTERT Code could lengthen their lifespan by 10%. Dr. Ornish concludes, "[the hTERT Code] could actually not only prevent but even reverse the most common chronic diseases, like heart disease, early-stage prostate cancer, Type 2 diabetes, etc."
These are scientists with impeccable credentials, from top schools, with teams of researchers conducting controlled trials. In short, much like penicillin, this discovery could expand our life expectancy and make so-called "incurable" chronic diseases a thing of the past.
But as great as that sounds, it's only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the hTERT Code won't just lengthen our health span, it will... Start to REVERSE the So-Called  "Natural" Signs and Symptoms of Aging In other words, it could be even BIGGER than the discovery of penicillin.
Just as penicillin eradicated once fatal infections we no longer even think of...Cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and more could soon go extinct. So could wrinkles, gray hair, and other so-called "natural" signs of aging.  Don't just take my word for it.
Bill Andrews, PhD, a 32-year veteran biologist, pharmacologist, and renowned geneticist sums up the total potential of this discovery:  "[The hTERT Code] could treat many diseases associated with human aging, extend human ‘health span' and lifespan, and perhaps even reverse the aging process." Just imagine what this could do for you or your loved one...
  • Imagine formerly arthritis-riddled hands regaining their strength – now able to throw a football... fix a sink... or carry luggage on your own.
  • Imagine feeling youthful bursts of energy – all the time. Biking, hiking, and dancing without feeling out of breath or exhausted. And doing this without coffee, pills, or other stimulants.
  • And imagine blemishes, wrinkles, and bags fading and disappearing – looking in the mirror and seeing a more youthful face looking back at you.
    Just imagine the independence and freedom this will give you. The restored sense of confidence. You'll feel like you could take on the world all over again.
    I know this sounds hard to believe. But up until World War II, few could imagine the immediate end of infectious disease. Why do you think everyone called penicillin the "miracle drug"?
    It exceeded the imaginations of conventional science and medicine. And this "miracle" breakthrough is NO different.
    Only unlike penicillin, the drug industry can't patent it. That's why it's the one discovery that could end Big Pharma.  More importantly, it could help prevent, treat, and even reverse the most feared diseases of our time — 100% naturally and safely.
    Years from now, we'll look back at it as... "The Watershed Moment in the History of Medicine..."You see, the discovery of the hTERT Code is just the beginning.
    If it's not available to the mass public — at a price ordinary people can afford — what good is it?  Well, that's exactly why I'm talking to you today. I've followed the development of the technology behind the hTERT Code since 1990. And up until recently, I was one of the only MD's in the country licensed to administer this therapy to the public.
    Now, I've pioneered a safe and proven way to activate these disease-killing genes in your body right now — without expensive therapies, doctor visits or interference from the FDA. In short, I'm helping make this discovery accessible to the everyday American. How huge is this?
    Well, penicillin was actually discovered in 1928. But it didn't change the world until it went to mass market 14 years later. In other words, this could be the game-changing event of the 21st century. - Dr. Al Sears, M.D. Royal Palm Beach, Florida,

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