Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gun-Free Zones Invite gun violence

The One Inconvenient Fact That Makes Obama’s Gun Grab Ridiculous
Another shooting in a gun-free zone. Another school shooting. Yet again, we get to witness President Obama’s outrage and politicizing the event. Funny how when Obama gets on his gun-grab soap box, he never brings up this one fact: President Obama asserts that more gun laws will lead to decreased gun violence.
There’s just one thing he left out: mention of his hometown! As Kelsey Petruzzi at Hypeline notes, the Windy City’s tough gun laws are not working: 15 hours, 14 dead.  Chicago boasts strong gun control laws, they don’t seem to be working.
Six people were shot since the middle of the day Monday, as the weekend passed and the work week began.  Five more individuals were shot early Tuesday morning. The dead and injured include a pregnant woman and a baby not even a year of age.
The weekend before these murders claimed the lives of four people, 52 injured. The marks two weekends in a row where 50 people were shot.
The Chicago Tribune shows that at least 2,300 people have been shot so far this year in Chicago. That’s a boost of 400 more than last year during this time period.
It’s impossible to have “sensible” gun control when telling only part of the story. But here’s the fact. Obama has no interest in “sensible” gun control. He wants to ban guns.
That’s THE fact.

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