Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Obama is no ordinary weakling

From an Illinois Newspaper.
Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our emperor weak to the point of deserving ridicule, miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It's no ordinary weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into a failed third-rate socialist nightmare with the stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the sons and daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-united states into a herd of competing minorities who, like suckling pigs, are each afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice to protest the ruin of our country.

So don't denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetence to do what no other king or dictator has been able to do in our 237-year history: He has destroyed America.
Reis R. Kash, Springfield

Source: Andy Stevens, Anacortes Washington Tea Party Chairman & Webmaster


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yep, no doubt about it. You are notheting but a brain-dead racist, bigoted, black-hating klansman scumbag turd! As expected you racist teabagger klansman turds don't know squat about the American law.

Let them stay, They have as much right as many of your knuckle dragging ancestors had,to be here. I'm tired of you fear mongering illiterate nativists .

The Constitution prohibits arresting people without warrants. It prohibits holding prisoners who have never been charged with a crime, or without allowing them to see the evidence against them, or without adequate legal counsel, or without being able to confront their accusers. It guarantees a speedy trial. The prison at Guantanamo violates the Constitution in all these ways.

But there is nothing in the Constitution that says the Commander-in-Chief cannot close a prison on a US military base.

This country's economy has been on the downslide since long before Obama. He at least stopped the free-fall created under Bush but the process of the globalization of corporate rule continues with the record rise of corporate profits and the concomitant record global competition of to the bottom for those that actually do the work.

Yes, Obama is guilty of rescuing the American auto industry and the world economy, enacting universal healthcare, creating 10 million private sector jobs and reducing the unemployment rate below 6 percent with Republicans attempting to block everything, that is so disappointing.

On the other hand, Republicans have signaled that they fantasize about a day when the GOP president signs into law a bill that abolishes Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the ACA while the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade and the Pentagon gorges itself on taxpayer dollars to the point where it has to become an Octagon that swallows all of Northern Virginia and the Koch Brothers basically dictate domestic policy together with Grover Norquist while the president is a dutiful yes-man who bows before his corporate masters.

Obviously a racist since Obama's achievements are meritorious and amazing given the Republican Do Nothing Congress he deals witjh.

It is a sad day indeed when American dirty laundry is hanged out in all its glory for the whole world to gawk at. Now the entire would can see the uneducated racist stupidity of racist White "real" Americans, Bless their "Christian" hearts.