Monday, November 9, 2015

Resist Gun Registration

Will feds take their cue from Connecticut and try to launch national gun registration?
Not all dictators are created equal. They all use different methods to gain power and keep it. But one thing they all have in common is that one of their first acts is to disarm the public. Once the people are powerless to protect themselves, a dictator can reveal his full agenda with no fear of retribution.
Gun registration, which became the law in Connecticut on January 1, 2014, may not seem all that terrible on the surface, but it’s always the first step toward disarming the public. Once government officials know where every legally-owned gun is, what kind of gun it is and what kind of ammunition it uses, they can take the necessary steps to eventually confiscate those guns and ammo. And all the while they will tell you that they have no intention of taking away guns, but merely want to protect innocent citizens from harm.
The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut, is what set this in play. Well-meaning but very misguided officials believe that taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens will end these types of horrific incidents. They never seem to take into consideration that the types of people who commit these horrible acts are not going to register their guns. So, taking guns out of the hands of the good guys only allows the bad guns more time to shoot up schools and malls before they are finally taken down.
You know what happens when a bad guy brandishes a weapon and starts trying to harm people in Israel? Armed good guys take them down, pronto. If the liberals think there is gun carnage in the U.S. now, just wait until law-abiding citizens no longer are able to own and carry guns that they can use to save innocent lives when a madman starts shooting.
Law-abiding gun owners in Connecticut know that this registration is unconstitutional, but they have little choice if they want to be in compliance with the law. Of course, they could refuse to obey what they feel is an unjust law, but there could be consequences to pay for that.
What would you do if your state passed a law that required all of your weapons to be registered with the government? Please weigh in on this very important issue.

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