Saturday, November 7, 2015

US Troops ordered to obey Sharia

BREAKING: Obama’s Pentagon Orders U.S. Troops to Obey SHARIAH LAW, 11/5/15

As commander-in-chief, Barack Obama, through the Pentagon, has ordered U.S. troops to obey Shariah law.

Specifically, all U.S. military personnel in Muslim nations were put on notice to “be familiar with host-nation customs and courtesies to help facilitate a long-lasting mutual respect with local communities. U.S. military members serving in countries that observe Ramadan are required to adhere to certain practices while outside U.S. installations.”

The post also included a picture that read “Respect Ramadan.” Capt. Dan Sickles, host nation officer-in-charge, told military personnel, “Members should be respectful of local customs and be patient with host nation personnel. Ramadan is a countrywide religious celebration. Members should not make light of local customs and should also expect that during daylight hours host nation customer service will be abbreviated and less accommodating.”

Brig. Gen. John Quintas, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing commander, further explained, “We are committed to the concepts of tolerance, freedom and diversity. I hope … you become more informed and appreciative of the traditions and history of the people in this region of the world” (H/T BizpacThere is a fine line between respecting local customs and actually following the local customs. In this instance, Obama’s Pentagon has crossed that line.

Responses on social media to the CENTCOM orders were swift and angry. Some individuals pointed out that this was an example of government supporting religion. One tweet asked how Americans would have responded during World War II had our soldiers fighting the Japanese been asked to abide by the requirements of Shinto and Buddhism.
This is no way to treat our U.S. troops. The fact that

Obama’s Pentagon is forcing military personnel to adhere to the beliefs held by the enemy is nothing short of outrageous, and can be added to the long list of outrageous acts Obama has committed during his presidency. Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter and show the latest disgusting move by Obama’s Pentagon that, in the name of respecting Islam, totally disrespects our troops.

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