Saturday, November 7, 2015

Why do Democrats love illegal immigration?

There is a very selfish reason why Democrats want to legalize all illegal immigrants and allow more into the country. It is because they need political support to get control and stay in control of our nation.  We have seen what Barrack Obama has done to strip away our rights--you give the Democrats a few more million voters and we will not see a conservative elected ever again.

The main reasons most of us oppose illegal immigration is that we respect the laws of our country. It further exasperates us that we feel the heavy hand of government squeezing the life out of us constantly. We know the consequences of a minor error on our income tax filings comes with great penalties. We know that all it takes is for the EPA to see a puddle on our property for them to declare it a "wetland" and basically take away any use of it from us.

BUT THE SAME PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT WE ARE THEIR SUBJECTS WANT TO WAIVE THE IMMIGRATION LAWS OF THE LAND FOR AN ENTIRE CLASS OF PEOPLE--those who came here illegally. Then to top it all off, they want to provide support for those who came here illegally WITH OUR MONEY!!! What an outrage!

Now they are up to their same old tricks of saying if we do not agree with them on illegal immigration then we are "racists, bigots, xenophobes" or whatever works for them at the moment. This is an attempt to marginalize us and our ability to fight back. We have a strategy to deal with the liberals on this though. (

We need to create a television ad campaign that exposes the pro-illegal immigration lobby for what it is. We know the Democrat Party has destroyed their reputation with all decent honest Americans, so now they need to import voters from outside the U.S. so they can stay in power.

We can produce a television ad and run a campaign that exposes the real agenda of the open borders crowd--that is, if you will join us in this effort. We can take the issue away from them by galvanizing a majority of Americans by educating them on what this issue really means.

This is despicable: An anti-American pro-illegal immigration group has released a new television ad, you may have seen it. It features young Latino children using vile, profane language and physical gestures as they insult anyone who believes in enforcing immigration laws. This is what the enemies of traditional American values do; they attack us, our laws, and our sensibilities with vile rhetoric. And this is only the beginning.

So why do liberals love illegal immigration? It's for the RAW POLITICAL POWER that another class of voters, that they can control, provides them. They will use the political power from those groups to force us to bend to their will, or, to use their popular euphemism, "nudge us into doing what is right" which really means what they say is right.

You can help us stop this massive power grab by helping us get this new television ad on the air. (   We can explain this issue better than anyone, and we will commit our powerful ad producing skills to work and put the other side on defense--instead of offense!  Go Here if You Are With Us! (

Yours in Liberty, Scott Wheeler, Executive Director (

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